On the Edit menu, click Select All.

Question: Q: Unable to locate Office 2011 Autorecovery folder in Application support folder. To maintain speed and simplicity, AutoRecover saves all files as the current Excel file format, regardless of the original file format opened. Drag all files into "New Folder" on the desktop. We have looked in original location, trash, userfolder/Microsoft userdata/Office 2011 AutoRecovery etcetera and there is no document except for the original unedited version. Open Excel for Mac 2011 and try to save a file. Spotlight doesn't find it either. The following sections show you what to do to ensure Excel is making backups […] The file is saved as a hidden file with an arbitrary filename with … This would not be an issue, except for the fact that when we then accessed the folder (just a quick search in Spotlight for Office 2011 AutoRecovery) the files were nowhere to be seen. Office 2011 for Mac is full of useful features, including the autorecovery tool in Excel. Dear all, I am in desperate need for your help.

Open Office 2011 AutoRecovery. AutoRecover saves all file formats that can be opened in Excel. Although crashes in Excel for Mac 2011 are extremely rare, it doesn’t hurt to make sure Excel 2011 is backing up your changes as you work. If you can save a file, review the contents of "New Folder" to decide which files that you want to keep.
I closed an excel file I worked on for hours and am unable to locate it. The AutoRecovery folder should be empty. Today there is NO trace of the document whatsoever.

The files are stored as Excel binary worksheet (BIFF12) .xlsb files, even if the original file you had opened was an Excel Binary File Format .xls or Office Open XML-based and macro-enabled file - see File formats that are supported in Excel for further information on Excel file formats.

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